Monday, July 27, 2009

Is the Canadian government fair to pensioners?

My basic pension (Old Age Security) is so low that I couldn't even afford to live in Canada and had to go to Mexico to survive.

I was a mother who stayed home for 16 years while my children were growing up and did not accumulate a great deal in CPP contributions.

How can the politicians justify giving themselves pay increases when thousands of pensioners are living below the poverty level?

Is the Canadian government fair to pensioners?
If you were lucky enough to create a savings for your retirement great! But for many others, living day to day on a minimal benifit is terrible.They are our great survivors of the drought, wars, depression, etc...they have given many things in our life for us to live better. The governement should at least give them a proper income raise each year that coincide with their pay raises !!!!!
Reply:Because politicians are scum. I'm single with no kids and am NOT looking forward to living out my later years in a government funded home...but they're not leaving me a whole lot of choice. And after all my contributions, I'll be damn lucky to even receive CPP. It's all a joke. They don't care about the real people who helped to build %26amp; shape this country!
Reply:They would just say to plan better for your retirement. I know I stayed home too and that doesn't seem to be rewarded in Canada. These kids raised in day cares are shooting up the cities and running in gangs. So I guess the country gets what they pay for eh?
Reply:Well now you see the jack Laytons and Chretians et al. In short they feel that as leaders of the land they deserve a lot cause they could make more in the private sector.

We as canadians will be lucky if there is a cpp in 50 years.

Just like E.I. you have to pay it but they don't have to compensate you unless laid off, everything else is trivial and can refuse you (except paternity leave)

If we don't rope in all the politicians and such we will not have anything except a poverty line at 25000/year cause most of all the tax system hurts the middle class the most.

And you forgot all politician salaries are one third tax free.

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