Thursday, July 30, 2009

How can I compile my C++ codes in Linux(Ubuntu) ?

I got a Ubuntu Linux CD from and installed that on my computer ...

I wanted to compile my c++ codes in linux..... :

I wanted to use GCC and G++ . so i openned terminal and typed this :

g++ hello.cpp

but this massage displayed :

command not found

and i typed :

gcc hello.cpp

and again the same result :

command not found

I'm very very beginer at linux ... please give me full answer ... imagine i don't know any thing about linux ...

How can I compile my C++ codes in Linux(Ubuntu) ?
Install the package gcc-3.4 on your computer.

If you have installed ubuntu from the cd, the package would be there, or else if you are using synaptic you can update and install from the repository.

good luck.

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