Thursday, July 30, 2009

I need a c++ programmer to help me write a program which is challenging!?

I am trying to write a program with c++ whose output is exactly the text of the program,in other words after compiling and building a.exe,running a.exe or running a.cpp have same results(the text of the program).but i am not allowed to use the source file.In other words it must be an ordinary program using basic keys of c++ such as for,while... or pointers or arreys...

It will be a great favor to me if you solve this problem.

I need a c++ programmer to help me write a program which is challenging!?
Why all of the sudden does everyone want to do this??? Is it some kind of homework assignment??
Reply:I just answered this one for some one else.

I found a very good site that explains it very well, step by step.

So I will simply link that one here.


greeting cards

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