Thursday, July 30, 2009

Do you think your old age pension will still be there when "it's time"?

The life expectancy for both men and women in Canada has reached a record high, according to mortality statistics for 2003 from Statistics Canada. The life expectancy at birth for women rose to a record high of 82.4 years from 82.1 years in 2003, and it went up to a record high for men of 77.4 years in 2003 from 77.2 years the year before.

The overall life expectancy for both sexes in Canada rose to 79.9 years in 2003, up from 79.7 years in 2002.

Life expectancy in 2003 for both sexes combined was highest in British Columbia and Ontario.

I've been paying in to CPP (Canada pension plan) since 1984 I wonder with all the people out there living forever - knowing that the government spent what they put in and knowing they have spent what I put in gambleing that there will be enough people behind me in the work force to pay me my pension

I just somtimes wonder if - CPP will still be there when I get put out to pasture ?

Also do Americans have such mandatory deductions ?

Do you think your old age pension will still be there when "it's time"?
Pensions are for those who retire,

which probably isn't a good idea to

begin with.

If you wish to keep healthy, keep


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