Monday, July 27, 2009

What kind of Disability Pensions do people in other countries receive?

Disabled Canadians are in dire straits. The most you can receive from a Disability Pensions (CPP) is $700 a month except in "special cases", I dont know what those are. OR $500 from Welfare, NOT BOTH. Rent in most major cities, other than Regina, for a decent apartment is over $1000.00 a month. By decent I mean it has an elevator, is in a safe neighbourhood, is well maintained and you dont have criminals, drug dealers and hookers for your neighbours, no nightly shoot outs or stand offs.

We pay more for food and gas in Canada then people in the US do. $5.486 for a gallon of gas in Canada. Many of us are totally dependent on our cars as we cant access or use public transit. $700 a month, assuming you receive maximum benefits is not enough to pay for rent, food, utilities, insurance, vehicle maintenance, gas, clothing, and other needs, including prescriptions that arent "covered" etc. I resent posters saying "there is no exuse to mooch off others", they dont live in Canada obviously.

What kind of Disability Pensions do people in other countries receive?
In Australia it is about $580 a fornight and if you quilifie for rent assistant and can get more. I live by myself so I get an extra 100 in rent assitant. As I have a job some of it is reduced from my penison.
Reply:i hate to contradict but i am on disability and i get almost $300.00 more than $700.00. Maybe i just got lucky and i won't complain about my situation because i know their is many many others not so fortunate. I also believe in seniors getting more money and new mothers getting all the help they need especially welfare moms. Wow should i run for office? Did you know we also want the minimum wage to go way up.

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