Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Need info abt cpp book..?

Is thr any book which is discussd abt complexity of the programming so dat a programmer can decrease his complexityn of programming..it may b eithr ebook or normal text book ..plzz lemme know if any 1 knows it...:)

Need info abt cpp book..?
There are plenty of websites out there that offer "beginner" courses in programming for just about any language under the sun. If you are completely new to the idea of programming, I would suggest doing a web search for something like,

"C++ beginner tutorial" or something similar.

As an aside, being a programmer myself, my suggestion would be to start with a language that has a little bit smaller learning curve, such as BASIC, (to learn fundamental concepts), and then Visual Basic, (which will allow you to create Windows programs). C++ and Visual C++ are terribly complicated for a beginner to master.

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