Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How Can I add a menu in a source program ?

I have the source files of the emulator and I wanted to add an menu so I can add an netplay button to it. I wanted to add kailleraclient.dll to the menu so the emulator access it to play online. Also the source file extensions are like .c, .h, .asp, .cc, .cpp, .dsw, .dsp, .rc what editing prorgam do I use and how do I create the exe to start ?



How Can I add a menu in a source program ?
Well those files are all related to visual C++.net and so you could use the compiler to build the project. If you download visual studio c++ .net express 2005, you should be able to work on this project and make the edits you need to. The compiler is free and I have included the link below where you can download it.

You are going to have to know C++ to add in the menu and hook it up to the rest of the program. It isn't just a drag and drop and you are done. Once you are in visual c++ you will be able to click the menu, select the appropriate menu options and add in "menulistitem" objects for your new feature.

Then you will need to write code for the menu item to attach it to the regular program code.

Now adding online capabilites can be tricky with programs that have already been written to assume no network activity. Either way you are going to need to grab yourself a C++ book and read up on sockets and the classes TCPClient or UDPClient. Reading the chapter on Remoting may help as well.

Good luck and check out the link.

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