Monday, May 24, 2010

Why can't I delete...?

Why can't I delete TES IV: Oblivion?

It keeps giving me this message

%26gt;SetupDLL\Setup DLL.cpp(390)

PAPP: Oblivion

PVENDOR: Bethesda Softwork(



@Windows XP Service Pack 2 (2600) BT_OTHER 232.64


Why can't I delete...?
You dont delete a program! You keep this up and your PC will be so fouled up it aint funny! Uninstall is how you remove a program! Now if you have tried to delete it, you will probably have to reinstall it and then do a proper uninstall in control panel, add remove programs! You better hope the uninstall works now!
Reply:Go to Control Panel;

Click on Add Remove Programs;

Select the program on the list;

Click Remove;

Follow the menu for removal.

Since you already tried to delete if, this may not work until you reinstall the program again to correct your delete and allow you to uninstall it.
Reply:Run Killbox on this, just search google for it... anyways... it might be a virus that is running in the backgrounds, looks like a fake version of the game to me... if not, the dll might just be hung in the OS... Killbox will fix it either way.. Good luck .
Reply:There's info on how to deal with this problem here:

(And for the others who posted, that's an error message from the uninstaller.)

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