Monday, May 24, 2010

Need help with with C++ and open gl?

i am useing dev cpp and i am just a begginer but i want to learn how to make graphics and animations cubes and all that good stuff and yea i know it takes time but i just need some help geting set up like how to i use open gl in dev cpp and stuff well please someone help me im desprate

Need help with with C++ and open gl?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that DevCpp installs the GNU compilers. Anyway, you'll need to add AT LEAST these lines in every source file you want to use OpenGL with:




These headers should be in the "include" folder of your compiler. Also, in the "lib" folder should be a "libopengl32.a" file (or someother similar).

For more advanced programs, you'll need to add some extensions and utilities that will ease your way through OpenGL:

#include “glee.h”

#include %26lt;gl\glu.h%26gt; // OpenGL Utilities

#include “glut.h” // Glut (Free-Glut on Windows)

Download FreeGlut here:

And Glee here:

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