Monday, May 24, 2010

3.5 GPA for Cal Poly Pomona architecture admission?!?

I really want to get into architecture program in Cal Poly Pomona!! That is my dream!

right now, I have 3.43 GPA. until fall or winter, I can make improve it to 3.5 or 3.55 GPA.

Do you think I can make it with this GPA?

I've finished with IGETC now as well as golden four.

Everyone says different advice on CPP's achitecture admission.

I know 3.2 GPA or above can apply for architecture program

What I need to know is average or recommend GPA.

Some say 3.4~3.8 GPA is okey to get in,

and some says it must be more than 3.6 minimum.

My school (Glendale community college) said 3.5 GPA is

remmended. I have no idea!!!!!!!

Please tell me, do you think I can make it?

3.5 GPA for Cal Poly Pomona architecture admission?!?
I am sorry but I must protest against the response against Answerer #1. As a former architectural student who applied as a transfer student from a California Community College to Cal Poly Pomona for the Architectural Program, I know that for a fact that you are NOT guaranteed a spot in the program as long as you meet the minimum requirements. Cal Poly Pomona's Architecture program is impacted and therefore they do not have enough space for all those who meet the requirements and wish to be there.

As for advice for you, don't worry too much. Do the best you can right now. There is SO much more to getting into the architecture program than GPA. Have you worked on your portfolio? Your portfolio can sometimes mean everything, and will usually be the determining factor between fairly similar candidates. The reason why you keep getting different advice is because nothing is set in stone. It varies from one year to the next. I would defiantly go in and specifically make an appointment to talk to an adviser at Cal Poly Pomona school of architecture and see what they say. Who knows, they may be the one to help review your file and remember your name and remember how much you wanted to go there.

Good luck! I am sure you will do fine!
Reply:I am an architecture professor that just help a student get into Cal Poly. My arch. students have gone to Columbia, USC etc. You need a decent g.p.a to get into the program. However, remember that Cal Poly, if you meet the min. requirements must accept you.

So if you are transferring from Glendale with a 3.4 you WILL get in. So don't sweat it. Have some good recommendations from your professors and submit according to the deadlines. Make sure you have a good statement and don't worry.


Tax Credits from Retired Parents??

My parents are both just under 65. They just retired from overseas last year. Currenlty they have NO income, no CPP or Old Age or anything like that.

Question is: Given they are under 65, but we live together and they are solely depend on me %26amp; my husband's income. They are NOT disable though. Can I still claim them as dependent (e.g. for their medicial bills as my tax credits?)

Tax Credits from Retired Parents??
Hi Twinken, I have read your question carefully, and here is the simple answer for you.


If, at any time in 2006, you (either alone or with another person) maintained a dwelling where you and a dependant lived (a spouse or common-law partner is not considered your dependant), you may be able to claim a maximum amount of $3,933. The dependant must have been one of the following individuals:

your or your spouse or common-law partner's child or grandchild; or

your or your spouse or common-law partner's brother, sister, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, parent, or grandparent who was resident in Canada.

You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.

In addition, you can claim an amount for more than one dependant as long as each one meets ALL of the following conditions. The dependant must have:

- been 18 or older when he or she lived with you;

- had a net income (line 236 of his or her return, or what line 236 would be if he or she filed a return) of less than $17,363; and

- been dependent on you due to mental or physical infirmity or, if he or she is your or your spouse or common-law partner's parent or grandparent, born in 1941 or earlier.

Since your parents DO NOT meet all of the above conditions, there is no claim for them on either of your tax returns, which also means that neither you nor your husband can claim your parents' medical expenses either.

I hope this information helps you.

C++, Binary Searching a string?

Could someone please tell me what is wrong wit this? I basically want to be able to preform a binary search on a string but I'm not quite sure how to do it. If you could please show me how to do it that would be great. The code can be found at

I have posted it up so it doesn't need to be downloaded or anything.

C++, Binary Searching a string?
C-style strings cannot be compared using == or %26gt; or %26lt; operators, you need to use the strcmp function. Here is a fix to your search function:


int binarySearch( char array[][SIZE], int numelems, char value[SIZE]) { int first = 0, last = numelems - 1, middle, position = -1; bool found = false; while (!found %26amp;%26amp; first %26lt;= last) { middle = (first + last) / 2; if (!strcmp(array[middle], value)) { found = true; position = middle; } else if (strcmp(array[middle], value)%26gt;0) last = middle - 1; else first = middle + 1; } return position; }

If you used std::string instead of C-style strings, those operators would have had worked well. std::string has those operators overloaded to work as you expect.
Reply:Nice work. You're abusing SF resources for your own webspace. I was wondering about that project, and it turns out you're the admin. Nice...

Whats wrong with my Warcraft!!!!!?

i just rebooted my comp and now i am trying to install warcraft III Reign of chaos but during the installation this pops up...

Data File Error--

Setup cannot read a required date file.Your Warcraft III CD may not be in the CDROM drive. Please ensure that the disc is in the CDROM drive and press Retry. To cancel the operation, press Cancel.


Error 0x00000017: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).


this never happened before. before the installation goes smoothly but i dont know what went wrong. can anyone help me?

Whats wrong with my Warcraft!!!!!?
There is lots of reasons for this. It's either that your disc is dirty so you just have to clean it. Or that your disc is too scratched up. Your can try to clean it with water but it won't clear the scratchs. If this doesn't work then try copying it. Make another copy of your disc. This should work. I'd tried it myself before. Hope this helped you. Good luck
Reply:Try copying the contents of the disk on to the C drive. Then run install.exe from there.

Let me know if it works.

My boyfriend is addicted to that game (the online version). He beat III in a week.... I don't understand it... : )

Anyway let me know if that works.

Civ city wont uninstall?

when i try to uninstall civ city this error message shows:

%26gt;setupDLL/setupDLL.cpp (496)

PAPP:Civ City

PVENDOR:Firefly Studios



@Windows (6000) IE 7.0.6000.16473

how do i uninstall?

Civ city wont uninstall?
re-install the game, then uninstall.

the uninstall can't find the files it needs to operate.

a "cracked" game will also cause this problem. reinstall then uninstall and it should be fine

printable cards

World of warcraft help?

What can i do to get rid of this it pops up when i boot world of warcraft.


This application has encountered a critical error:

Not enough storage is available to process this command.

Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe

File: E:\build\buildWoW\WoW\Source\DB\...

Line: 420

Requested 1095715918 bytes of memory

World of warcraft help?
It's not that it doesn' t have enough "memory as in RAM" , it's that it doesn't hard drive space to run the game.

To solve this, go to Start%26gt;Control Panel%26gt;Add/Remove Programs and remove any programs you do not use. This should free up some space for you.
Reply:your computer doesn't have enough memory for that program

Problems running empire earth2?

evry time i try to launch empire earth2 i get message... FATAL PROBLEM at C:\EE2\src\EE2\Render.cpp:578:

--%26gt;Failed to create Direct3D Device. Cannot continue...

can anyone help me sort this out???

thanks in advance

Problems running empire earth2?
don't have a clue to your question, just felt sorry for you cos no-one had answered your question and i didn't want you to feel left out.

C++ Functions and Prototypes?

I am trying to do this problem and I am just not getting is right. Could someone please show me how to do it?

The question goes like this:

The student cd contains a partially written program named AreaRectangle.cpp. Your job is to complete the program. When it is complete, the program will ask the user to enter the width and length of a rectangle, and then display the rectangle's area.

I have uploaded the partial file to

C++ Functions and Prototypes?
honestly, this is one of the most simple programs you will ever have to make. cin, multiply, cout, with no parameters whatsoever. if you can't do that on your own, you'll be screwed for your next assignment.

For file io in c++ how do i count all the words in a file?

the question %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;6. Create a method named “totalWordCount()” that will return the value of how many TOKENS are on IN THE FILE. Display your answer to the screen.

my code is [code] # include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

# include %26lt;string%26gt;

# include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;

# include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

# include %26lt;fstream%26gt;

# include %26lt;ctype.h%26gt;

using namespace std;

void displayFile(ifstream %26amp;in);

void totalWordCount();

void main()


cout%26lt;%26lt;" Mateen Rehman"%26lt;%26lt;endl;

ifstream infile;"I:/FILEIOLabDATAFILE.txt"... ios_base::in);

if( ))


cout%26lt;%26lt; " The File was not successfully open"%26lt;%26lt;endl;




infile.close( );


void displayFile(ifstream %26amp;in)




char line[200];

in.getline(line, 200, '\n');


for (int i=0; i%26lt;200; i++)


cout %26lt;%26lt; num1%26lt;%26lt;endl;




my errors are 1%26gt;c:\documents and settings\hafizsahib\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\file io\file io\file io.cpp(24) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}'

1%26gt;c:\documents and settings\hafizsahib\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\file io\file io\file io.cpp(25) : error C2065: 'in' : undeclared identifier

1%26gt;c:\documents and settings\hafizsahib\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\file io\file io\file io.cpp(25) : error C2228: left of '.eof' must have class/struct/union

1%26gt; type is ''unknown-type''

1%26gt;c:\documents and settings\hafizsahib\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\file io\file io\file io.cpp(25) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation


For file io in c++ how do i count all the words in a file?
Okay. Let's start with the joke. Error number 1. You're using Visual Studio 2008 instead of a real compiler.

I'll assume this is homework, and you don't have a choice.

Major point here. Why do you have curly brackets AROUND the definition of the header on lines 24, 25?

The format of your program should be


// in standard C++ they should be:

# include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

# include %26lt;string%26gt;

# include %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;

# include %26lt;cstdio%26gt;

# include %26lt;fstream%26gt;

# include %26lt;cctype%26gt;

using namespace std;

//Function Declarations

void displayFile(ifstream %26amp;in);

void main() //I use int main() and return 0

//But what do I know? I'm an old C programmer

// on Linux



void displayFile(ifstream %26amp;in)




If you look at your file, the errors start where it says -- and I am quoting:


void displayFile(ifstream %26amp;in)


DO NOT EVER declare the function name in brackets like that. They create a scope. When you close the brackets the scope ends and the name no longer exists. Further, you then have the body of the function as a series of commands in the lowest possible level. If they were to compile the program would have no means of accessing them. So the function should read:

void displayFile(ifstream %26amp;in)




char line[200];

in.getline(line, 200, '\n');


for (int i=0; i%26lt;200; i++)


cout %26lt;%26lt; num1%26lt;%26lt;endl;



As for the specific assignment, I've put a link to the cstring or string.h library's strtok() function documentation in sources. Y'know around the turn of the millenium, when C++ added the STL library, a split between C and C++ programming happened -- specifically in the #includes. If it is a standard C library you are supposed to indicate it by putting a c in front and dropping the .h. If Microsoft is mixing the old libraries for C and the new ones for C++, then there is one more defective product out there to hate them for. My GCC library includes this in the cstring header file:

/** @file cstring

* This is a Standard C++ Library file. You should @c #include this file

* in your programs, rather than any of the "*.h" implementation files.


* This is the C++ version of the Standard C Library header @c string.h,

* and its contents are (mostly) the same as that header, but are all

* contained in the namespace @c std (except for names which are defined

* as macros in C).


love song lyrics

Why can't I delete...?

Why can't I delete TES IV: Oblivion?

It keeps giving me this message

%26gt;SetupDLL\Setup DLL.cpp(390)

PAPP: Oblivion

PVENDOR: Bethesda Softwork(



@Windows XP Service Pack 2 (2600) BT_OTHER 232.64


Why can't I delete...?
You dont delete a program! You keep this up and your PC will be so fouled up it aint funny! Uninstall is how you remove a program! Now if you have tried to delete it, you will probably have to reinstall it and then do a proper uninstall in control panel, add remove programs! You better hope the uninstall works now!
Reply:Go to Control Panel;

Click on Add Remove Programs;

Select the program on the list;

Click Remove;

Follow the menu for removal.

Since you already tried to delete if, this may not work until you reinstall the program again to correct your delete and allow you to uninstall it.
Reply:Run Killbox on this, just search google for it... anyways... it might be a virus that is running in the backgrounds, looks like a fake version of the game to me... if not, the dll might just be hung in the OS... Killbox will fix it either way.. Good luck .
Reply:There's info on how to deal with this problem here:

(And for the others who posted, that's an error message from the uninstaller.)

Why can't I delete...?

Why can't I delete TES IV: Oblivion?

It keeps giving me this message

%26gt;SetupDLL\Setup DLL.cpp(390)

PAPP: Oblivion

PVENDOR: Bethesda Softwork(



@Windows XP Service Pack 2 (2600) BT_OTHER 232.64


Why can't I delete...?
You dont delete a program! You keep this up and your PC will be so fouled up it aint funny! Uninstall is how you remove a program! Now if you have tried to delete it, you will probably have to reinstall it and then do a proper uninstall in control panel, add remove programs! You better hope the uninstall works now!
Reply:Go to Control Panel;

Click on Add Remove Programs;

Select the program on the list;

Click Remove;

Follow the menu for removal.

Since you already tried to delete if, this may not work until you reinstall the program again to correct your delete and allow you to uninstall it.
Reply:Run Killbox on this, just search google for it... anyways... it might be a virus that is running in the backgrounds, looks like a fake version of the game to me... if not, the dll might just be hung in the OS... Killbox will fix it either way.. Good luck .
Reply:There's info on how to deal with this problem here:

(And for the others who posted, that's an error message from the uninstaller.)

Differances between V-C++ and old-school C++?

i know this may sound stupid, but in old c++ programming everything including button commands and things were written into the cpp files... now everything goes into the headers? i am confused... if anyone has a few moments to chat please let me know... yahoo = dacrypto, AIM = usswilliamgray

thanks for all your help !!!!!


Differances between V-C++ and old-school C++?
Microsoft Visual C++ (also known as MSVC) is a commercial integrated development environment (IDE) product engineered by Microsoft for the C, C++, and C++/CLI programming languages. It has tools for developing and debugging C++ code, especially code written for the Microsoft Windows API, the DirectX API, and the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Visual C++ was the most popular object-oriented programming language before the advent of Java in the late 1990s.

Regarding you doubts cpp vs headers..

Well,see its important feature of OOPs....

which depreciates the use of .cpp

Hope this will help

Reply:Everything in VC++ is object oriented, you still can write c-style programs. Everything is still in the headers (.h)and implementations are still the .cpp files, depending on the ide, you'll have a packaged solution(project) to contain all of you source code.

Example: the Button class

In old c and VC6 it'll be in the .h file and implementation in .cpp

in .NET the class will be in one cpp file in your solution package.

you still can do this in C or C++ but define and implement your class in the cpp file and it'll still work.
Reply:In the older models before Windows, you had to code everything yourself for a rich GUI experience- buttons, like you mentioned, and EVERYTHING.

With Windows you just use built in functions. The extensions to those functions are built right into VC++ for your convenience.

Tax Calculations?

Hubby earned 41,101.00, was deducted 7071 in tax 1851.84 CPP and 722.00 EI premium. Has he paid enough tax? He has me and two young kids. I did earn around 5000.00 and paid something towards deductions, dont know exact yet!

We rented for 5mths of the year and bought for the rest if that comes into it.

Thanks for any answers, im just worried

Tax Calculations?
You didn't say what province you live in. For your husband's income, taxes would have ranged from $6315 in Nunavut to $9274 in Quebec.

Here's a calculator you can use to see how much taxes would be, with NO deductions, for your province:

He will pay less than that calculator shows because of the dependents, and if you live in a province that offers provincial tax credits for rent or property tax (most don't). So I think he's fine.

All of your taxes paid will be returned, because you made less than $9600.

greeting cards

More C++, help please?

Write a driver program (program that calls a function) called “hw4a.cpp” and a recursive function to compute the series

S(n) = 2 + 4 + 6 + …+ 2n where n is an integer.

See Exercise 3 Section 3.8 pg. 194 for a hint! You MUST solve this problem by writing a recursive function like the program example “factorial” discussed in class. Otherwise no credit will be given. Test your program with the values n = 10, 50, 100.

More C++, help please?

sn^2+ns= m

m^2-mns= q

i tested and it works

Q-Xpress Installer?

For thos who have this to upload downloads into their sims 2 game, mines has an error in it

:NULL: memory check on %26lt;!%26gt; at


What does this mean?

How do I fix it?

I'm using windows vista, have no idea if thats important for this lol

Q-Xpress Installer?
it's crashing.. I guess..

maybe it's a problem with ya registry.. try running %26gt;

registry + cleaner tabs =)

or looking for updates on the official sims website.. normally in support.
Reply:may b it dont support for vista it may b made for xp..

no idea..

Plz,plz,I need your help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

can any body tell me how to understand and learn the classs of cpp.i really need your help I`m beginner ... plz

Plz,plz,I need your help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?
To understand any programming language.....all u have to do is practise with sample programs n examples with each type of classes that are given in any text book.........practise makes perfect n also makes it easy.....i was thinking like u when i started studying C then it gradually became easy
Reply:practice and more practice, it will get easy eventually
Reply:To understand any programming language u have to do is practise with each type of classes that are given in any text book. Practise makes perfect n also makes it easy
Reply:I Suggest you to go through the theories and coding as well, then only you can be an efficient programmer.. I found a book, that i am sharing with you... Go thru this book..and enjoy coding.
Reply:Practice makes it perfect

I need somehelp with a C/C++ program translation in VB?

I am trying to create a program to drive hardware with an easy to use interface. I have minimal programming knowledge in C++ ( 1 intro class) and no experience with VB6. The code can be found at

simply, the C interface, being dos based is antiquated... i have been told VB6 is the way to go, but i have noe real clue as to how to translte the details over. I am not asking someon to translate it for me, but i know there are some translating programs, but is there one for this application? would it work? do i need to hire a professional? how much would that cost? any help would be greatly appreciated.

I need somehelp with a C/C++ program translation in VB?
By interface, I assume you're talking about the user interface? Is there a specific reason you want to change it (other than it's antiquated)? The reason I ask is, the old saying about "if it aint broke, don't fix it" could apply here. If there are specific issues with the user interface that need to be fixed, and it's determined that a rewrite is the way to fix it, then no problem. If it's because it doesn't meet your definition of something that looks splashy, then you may want to reconsider.

That being said, having looked at the code, I think you are in deep trouble if you try to translate the code. If you're using a translator, I assume you aren't very comfortable with either the language, or the devices that it's controlling. This looks like the start of a nightmare scenario esp. considering that it looks like this is controlling medical equipment?

I would recommend that you find someone who knows c++/windows programming. Have them only modify the display/data entry aspects of the application (one way is to split the app apart into display/input functions vs those that actually contain control logic) and leave the other logic alone. Run the app, mimic the interfaces functionality, but use the original logic code. A lot of interfacing with hardware is encoding knowledge either gained by data sheets or simple trail and error, so any attempt to "fix" or "optimize" or "tweak" existing control code can be devastating.

Also, you do realize that that is not the entire app as well right? It looks like some of the functions, specifically, those that actually communicate with the devices, are not there.

flower arranging

C++ Error Using Multiple Files?

Hi!! I'm using Qt 4.2.3, C and C++, and I have these files and their headers:

1. main.cpp:

#include %26lt;QApplication%26gt;

#include "window.h"

#include "register.h"

2. window.h

#ifndef WINDOW_H

#define WINDOW_H

#include %26lt;QWidget%26gt;

3. window.cpp

#include %26lt;QtGui%26gt;

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;string.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;

#include "client.c"

#include "register.h"

#include "window.h"

4. register.h



#include %26lt;QWidget%26gt;

5. register.cpp

#include %26lt;QtGui%26gt;

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;string.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;

#include "client.c"

#include "principal.h"

#include "window.h"

6. client.c

#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;sys/types.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;sys/socket.h%26gt;

#include %26lt;netinet/in.h%26gt; ... etc

When I compile it, I get an error, the compiler complains that these

names are all duplicates. How can I fix it?

In register.cpp and window.cpp I need to use procedures of client.c


C++ Error Using Multiple Files?
What are you doing, including other source files?

If you need to use functions that are present in other source file, create a header file that declares the existence of those functions, and then include the header file.

Problem burning dual layer discs with nero 7?

15:07:12 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 1150

Compile DVD: finished VTS_05 Menus Vobs

VTS_05 Menus Vobs:

Original 118.40MB -%26gt; Expected 118.40MB -%26gt; Output 118.40MB

Finished error 0.00MB

Ratio encoded = 0

Original encoded = 338

Slide encoded = 0

StillImage encoded = 0

Output extra size = 4.97MB

Source video size = 113.43MB

Pictures Modified [I 0] [P 0] [B 0]

15:12:19 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 441

Out of memory.

15:12:19 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 442

Compiling DVD volume failed

15:12:19 File burn_dvdfiles.cpp, Line 308

Compile DVD: exit

15:12:20 File burner.cpp, Line 1785

Out of memory.

This is the last of the message I recieved when the burn failed in the encode stage. I would like to know why considering I still have 27gb of memory free on my computer yet. Thanks for the help.

Problem burning dual layer discs with nero 7?
Hmm. Try running Nero without any other application in the background.







Nero Express is not letting me burn a cd because of an error???

No matter what burn process I use, 18x, 32x, it says that there was "Power Calibration Error"

4:43:43 PM #23 CDR -1106 File Writer.cpp, Line 311

Power calibration error

4:43:44 PM #24 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 228

all writers idle, stopping conversion

4:43:45 PM #25 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 222

conversion idle, stopping reader

4:43:45 PM #26 Phase 38 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1832

Burn process failed at 32x (4,800 KB/s)

4:43:45 PM #27 Text 0 File AudioCompilationImpl.cpp, Line 867

DRM: DRM burn session terminated.

A friend suggested that I take my hard drive out and put it back in to trick my computer into thinking that it's new. I don't know if that'd work. I've never been able to burn an MP3 with Nero before. I've had it for some 2 years, but it continues to fail. I can make a library to listen to music, view videos, everything except burning anything onto a CD. What's wrong with it? Do I need a new version or something. Help

Nero Express is not letting me burn a cd because of an error???
I'd try an updated version.

flower arrangement

C++ multiple files?

I am trying to test out a new library I just made and I keep getting errors. The library contains a template class named nstack and the main file is called test.cpp. I have tried using the test funtion withing nstack.cpp and it works, but when I move it to it's own file, it won't link correctly. I have nstack.h included in both files (and it does exist, I'm not an idiot), and this is the only error:

test.cpp:(.text+0x8b) undefined reference to 'nstack%26lt;char%26gt;::nstack()'

This appears for any nstack functions I call.

I use g++ on a linux machine, and here is what I type to compile:

g++ test.cpp nstack.cpp -o nstack

Any ideas?

C++ multiple files?
You did code the (whole) template in the nstack.h header file, right? If part of it is in the cpp file that would explain why it compiles with a main() in it but not when main() is moved to another source file.
Reply:The issue is somewhat complicated to explain. Suffice it to say that you probably want to keep your header and implementation all in the header file.

C code problem?


void swapr(int, int);

void main()


int a=10,b=20;


printf("\n a=%d b=%d",a,b);


void swapr(int*x,int *y)


int t;





And error messages are

Compiling CAL_REF.CPP:

Error CAL_REF.CPP 6: Cannot convert 'int *' to 'int' in function main()

Error CAL_REF.CPP 6: Type mismatch in parameter 1 in call to 'swapr(int,int)' in function main()

Error CAL_REF.CPP 6: Cannot convert 'int *' to 'int' in function main()

Error CAL_REF.CPP 6: Type mismatch in parameter 2 in call to 'swapr(int,int)' in function main()

C code problem?
You made a mistake on the second line. You declared swapr as a function that takes two ints and returns nothing, but then you define swapr as a function that takes to pointers to ints and returns nothing.

So change the second line from

:: void swapr(int, int);


:: void swapr(int*, int*);
Reply:Try defining the variable 't' as integer pointer instead of integer.
Reply:you should just change the second line to void swapr(int*,int *)

void swapr(int, int); %26lt;- This is where the problem lies, you have declared a function that accepts two integer arguments where as you need to declare it as

void swapr(int *, int *); so it matches the function definition below the function main().

void main()


int a=10,b=20;


printf("\n a=%d b=%d",a,b);


void swapr(int*x,int *y)


int t;





Debug the program(timer.h in c++)?

neccessary the header files are included

void main()


Timer t;







the error is

linker error:undefined symbol Timer::start() in module noname00.cpp

linker error:undefined symbol Timer::stop() in module noname00.cpp

linker error:undefined symbol Timer::time() in module noname00.cpp

please debug it else tell me another code for stop watch in c++.

Debug the program(timer.h in c++)?
Any time you get some kind of "undefined symbol error," you should first check that you have included all the library files that your program needs.

The problem here is that you forgot to pass the library file which has the timer:: functions to the linker.

Look in your C++ compiler's help files to find out which .LIB file contains the Timer:: functions and include the .LIB file.
Reply:the timer class should be defined in your program or should be there in any package files as in #include packages ...

I am not very sure about the include file but you can check in the documentation of your compiler
Reply:You have used Timer t; Which is some kind of object that has the start, and stop methods. You included the proper include files or the compiler would have complained about a missing symbol. What is complaining is the the linker. The linker is the program that put the binary parts together. As in the compiler will take what you typed in an change it into binary, but you reference other things like Timer which come from other binary parts, as in a library.

You need to look at the documentation for Timer and it will tell you not only which include file(s) to include, but also the library you need (most likely a .lib). Then you need to change your project settings so that the linker adds that library to the link.
Reply:It seems that start(), stop() and time() are undefined in the Timer class. Where is Timer coming from? Presumably you've included it from somewhere - check your source and make sure you're using it correctly, and that your spelling (including case) is correct.

Reply:you can search in

Regarding C++ !!! need Help?

Hi there, well i have downloaded microsoft visual c++ 2005 express edition. and whenever i write program it gives me error. ia m attaching my program and program and please somebody help me.

// unknown

//engr 30

//program 1

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main()


cout%26lt;%26lt;"Welcome to Engineering 30!\n";

cout%26lt;%26lt;"Have a good day.";

return 0;


The error i get




1%26gt;Test program.cpp

1%26gt;c:\documents and settings\hp_administrator\my documents\c++ programs\test program\test program\test program.cpp(16) : fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header. Did you forget to add '#include "stdafx.h"' to your source?

1%26gt;Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\C++ Programs\Test program\Test program\Debug\BuildLog.htm"

1%26gt;Test program - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Regarding C++ !!! need Help?
Try starting your project as a "console" application as opposed to a windows application.

EDIT: which happens to uncheck the precompiled headers box automatically ;)
Reply:None of the other answers are correct. What you want to do, is in project properties, uncheck 'using precompiled header' because you are not using one. That is what stdafx.h is for.
Reply:there is no file called iostream in microsoft visual c++

so this error in coming......i suggest u that u first work on turbo c++ then switch to vc++ its will we good for knowing the language well

i hope it helped
Reply:At the risk of stating the obvious, have you tried the '#include "stdafx.h"' they suggest in your error message? It's been awhile since I've done some VC++ but I do recall needing stdafx.h or windows.h in almost all programs I built.

eurovision song contest

C++??!! experts in C++ help me fast I don't have time :1 day?

You have the following program:


class A {

int i;


A(int ii) : i(ii) {}

~A() {}

void f() const {}


class B {

int i;


B(int ii) : i(ii) {}

~B() {}

void f() const {}


class C : public B {

A a;


C(int ii) : B(ii), a(ii) {}

~C() {} // Calls ~A() and ~B()

void f() const { // Redefinition





int main() {

C c(47);

} ///:~

1. Modify Combined.cpp to add another level of inheritance and a new member object. Add code to show when the constructors and destructors are being called.

2. In Combined.cpp, create a class D that inherits from B and has a member object of class C. Add code to show when the constructors and destructors are being called.

C++??!! experts in C++ help me fast I don't have time :1 day?
No kidding. Your solution is here

It costs $12 though. But your teacher might probably use the question from this book again later. So, I guess it's worth to buy.

Your qutestion is here
Reply:You can find many live C++ expert at websites like
Reply:with the same concept i can give u in java ... do u need them !!!

Please help!! C++ Coding.?

I downloaded the "Dev- C++ 4" compiler

Went to file new project --%26gt; WinMain() Project

and compiled this code:

#include %26lt;windows.h%26gt;

int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hThisInstance, HINSTANCE PrevInstance,

LPSTR lpszArgument, int nFunsterStil)


char system[MAX_PATH];

char pathtofile[MAX_PATH];

HMODULE GetModH = GetModuleHandle(NULL);





MessageBox(NULL,”Hello”,”Messagebox Example”,MB_OK);

return 0;


What's wrong with it??/?

It says

16 untitled1.cpp

parse error before character 0224

16 untitled1.cpp

stray '\' in program

20 untitled1.cpp

parse error before character 0224

Also. .what is a Win32 and API?


Please help!! C++ Coding.?
You appear to have a UNC path to the executable, try changing




Although I haven't programmed in C for quite a while so I'm probably wrong.

Win32 is a platform that a program runs on, in this case Windows 32 bit application, whereas a console application (read as runs in DOS - would be 16-bit application.

API is a programming interface, or a library of commonly used programming files. The one you are probably most familiar with is DirectX from M$.

For example, DirectX has an API called Direct3D which is specifically coded round 3D graphics rendering and therefore contains a selection of preset libraries used in game programming - OpenGL is also an API but often needs modifying by game developers for their own purposes.

Question about visual C++.?

Here is the code:

// my first program in C++

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include %26lt;cstdlib%26gt;

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


cout %26lt;%26lt; "Hello World!";

return 0;


the error:



1%26gt;c:\users\hong wei\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\ok\ok\std.cpp(6) : error C2871: 'std' : a namespace with this name does not exist

1%26gt;c:\users\hong wei\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\ok\ok\std.cpp(10) : error C2065: 'cout' : undeclared identifier

1%26gt;Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Hong Wei\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\ok\ok\Debug\BuildLog.htm"

1%26gt;ok - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

so how to fix it i am using visual c++ express

Question about visual C++.?
what have u typed in stdafx.h file and stdafx.cpp files

its the basic problem and go to mdsn site to resolve it

Quick C++ Question--WHATS WRONG???

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

#include "recursive.h"

#include "p2.h"

using namespace std;

static int sum_helper(list_t test, int result)


return (sum_helper(list_rest(test)),list_first(...


int sum(list_t test)





Get Errors

p2.cpp: In function `int sum_helper(void*, int)':

p2.cpp:9: error: too few arguments to function `int sum_helper(void*, int)'

p2.cpp:10: error: at this point in file


Quick C++ Question--WHATS WRONG???
On this line:

return (sum_helper(list_rest(test))

That last parenthesis is wrong.

sum_helper wants two arguments, but you're closing the argument list with that last parenthesis.
Reply:what the ?????????????

Can you please include p2.h and recursive.h

The file alone does not have a starting point (int main()).

And are you using the function sum_helper to return itself... that just doesn't make sense

wedding song

Static variable?

//Source a.h

#include %26lt;iostream.h%26gt;

void fn();

static int z;

//Source a.cpp

#include "a.h"

void main()


z = 10;



//source b.cpp

#include "a.h"

void fn()




1)After i link a.o and b.o, why am i not able to get the value of z in fn() although it is a static variable and its value is being set in a.cpp ?

2) if i dont declare the variable z as static , it is giving link error

saying that it is a duplicate symbol. why is this? by not declaring z as static i wanted to have global variable for each source file. why isnt this possible.

Static variable?
The static keyword in C has different meaning depending on the context. When applied to a global symbol, the static keyword disallows the linker to expose the modified symbol to other object files.

Without the static keyword each time a.h is included the linker will export "z" in the given object file. When two ore more object files that have included a.h are linked together, the linker will abort with an error, as the symbol is being defined in every source file that includes a.h.

Declaring the symbol static has the opposite effect. Each instance will be invisible outside of the object file.

What you want to do is defined it as an actual symbol in at most one source file, and else where use the extern modifier. Put a declaration in the header file with the exten keyword, and redefine the symbol in at most file of the files.
Reply:You can't pull it into both a.cpp and b.cpp with the same definition. It has to be declared global in one and extern in the other (in fact, in all others). Try using conditional compilation to decide which one gets to own it.

This is a classic situation.

How to resolve this c++ error?

Hey, why is this cpp file returning an error and how do I fix it?


I:\C++\Programs\Project7\Cpp.cpp(44) : error C2664: 'atoi' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char' to 'const char *'

Conversion from integral type to pointer type requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast

txt version:

cpp version:

input file:

How to resolve this c++ error?
StudentInfo * records = new StudentInfo[y];

//we have to null-terminate our string

array[y][x] = 0x00;

//now make a pointer and point it to the array. I think this will work, you might have to tweak the following line though.

char * tmpstr = %26amp;array[0][0];

//now this will work.

records[1].SerialNumber = atoi(tmpstr);
Reply:char input[200];

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Please input the location of the input file: ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; input;

input here is an array of character not a character variable so you have to specify the element index (subscript) you want to stoer the location in


cin %26gt;%26gt; input[10];

good luck ! :)
Reply:const char * is like a string. I am not going to tell you, but I'll tell you some stuff to get your answer. A const char pointer, hint pointer is your key word, is basically a string. Knowing anything about arrays and where they are in memory. What is the similarity of what pointers do and arrays are?

You should read your book, there is always example of this in your book.

If you need more help just shoot a message.

P.S. You don't anything with your file. Your array is empty, there is a null value and that's it, when it reaches line 44. I don't know why it is complain about it then.
Reply:The problem isn't your cin, using an array is prefectly fine.

The problem as stated by the error message is your atoi call in line 44. This one

records[1].SerialNumber = atoi(array[0][0]);

atoi accepts a const array of characters (string), your giving it a single character.

Need help with with C++ and open gl?

i am useing dev cpp and i am just a begginer but i want to learn how to make graphics and animations cubes and all that good stuff and yea i know it takes time but i just need some help geting set up like how to i use open gl in dev cpp and stuff well please someone help me im desprate

Need help with with C++ and open gl?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that DevCpp installs the GNU compilers. Anyway, you'll need to add AT LEAST these lines in every source file you want to use OpenGL with:




These headers should be in the "include" folder of your compiler. Also, in the "lib" folder should be a "libopengl32.a" file (or someother similar).

For more advanced programs, you'll need to add some extensions and utilities that will ease your way through OpenGL:

#include “glee.h”

#include %26lt;gl\glu.h%26gt; // OpenGL Utilities

#include “glut.h” // Glut (Free-Glut on Windows)

Download FreeGlut here:

And Glee here:

C2664 C++ error?

new to C++ language and I've been trying to learn a little about windows programming, here's the code I have so far


#include "windows.h"

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,

LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)


MessageBox(NULL, "All your base are belong to us!",




and the compile error I get:

------ Build started: Project: Window, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------



c:\documents and settings\john tripi\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\brand new\my calculator\window\window\window.cpp(8) : error C2664: 'MessageBoxW' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const char [32]' to 'LPCWSTR'

Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast

Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\John Tripi\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Brand New\My Calculator\Window\Window\Debug\BuildLog....

Window - 1

C2664 C++ error?
Ah, yes, I see the problem. The newest Visual Studio prefers unicode strings, which use 16 bits per character, as opposed to the classic strings which used 8. When unicode is defined, it uses MessageBoxW (W is for wide character), normally it would use MessageBoxA. The solution is to make your string literals into wide character strings by prefixing them with L:

MessageBox(NULL, L"All your base are belong to us!",



Verlihub installing on FC5 when i installed on FC5 ./configure worked fine but when i run make i got?

make install

make install-recursive

make[1]: Entering directory `/root/Desktop/verlihub/verlihub'

Making install in src

make[2]: Entering directory `/root/Desktop/verlihub/verlihub/src'

if /bin/sh ../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -g -O2 -I

/usr/src/include/ -I/usr/include/mysql -g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexception

s -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i386 -mtune=generic -fasy

nchronous-unwind-tables -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -f

no-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -I/usr/local/include -MT casyncsocketserver.lo -MD -MP

-MF ".deps/casyncsocketserver.Tpo" \

-c -o casyncsocketserver.lo `test -f 'casyncsocketserver.cpp' || echo './'`casync

socketserver.cpp; \

then mv -f ".deps/casyncsocketserver.Tpo" ".deps/casyncsocketserver.Plo"; \

else rm -f ".deps/casyncsocketserver.Tpo"; exit 1; \


g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -g -O2 -I/usr/src/include/ -I/usr/include/mysql -

g -pipe -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -

Verlihub installing on FC5 when i installed on FC5 ./configure worked fine but when i run make i got?
What's the err msg? What you pasted was only the first part of the compile output. That is normal. What isn't is if the compilation stops and gives you an err msg. If you got no err msg then simple execute the app. Unfortunately few tarball installations include adding the program to the GUI. So you have to manually add it to your menus. Not difficult to do. Most likely target dir is /usr/bin or /usr/local/[appname]

It is the very last lines that are signficant. You'll often get pages and pages of output during a compilation. The more complex the program the more complex the output usually. For most people this is nothing more than reassurance the compilation is still running. If you have a programming background it can tell you alot, but reading the source will tell you all of it so even programmers normally do not pay much attention to it unless something goes wrong.

Likely problems are dependancies. If there are missing libs for example. If that is the case do a Google on the missing libs to find out what package they are from. Download the appropriate tarball and or rpms. Another easier way is make sure first this app doesn't exist in a yum repository or rpm form. I compile MySQL, Apache, PHP and a few other apps from tarballs because I don't like the configuration in rpms and want far more customization with these apps. Sometimes compiled apps from tarballs are far more efficient as well. Depends on how the rpm was created and how specific it is to your distro,. Everything else if I can I do in rpm format.

If the err msg is not a failed dependancy it might be a missing environment variable. That is again fairly easy to fix. It is usually documented in the readme file that is found in the src dir.

If all of that fails I typically delete the whole package and try something else that does the same thing. Most developers respond imediately to compile problems and there might already be a fix for your problem waiting on the website you downloaded the app from.

Again without the actual err msg hard to say what went wrong if anything.

Sims 2 cheat help...?

When I tried to use the money cheat codes, it said

"ERROR TSAudio: Failed to cache resource. 0b9eb87e:eb8ab356:ff8bceb2



ERROR TSCheatSystem: ERROR IN CHEAT: Unknown command

in command 'rosebud'. OnErrorClearParserTempState called.

with command rosebud


It used to work! Anybody know how to fix this??

Sims 2 cheat help...?
for 1 rosebud isnt a sims 2 cheat. Motherload is. thats why it says that

C++ programming help?

I recently purchased C++ without fear by Brian Overland. I created the program convert.exe and it works. But on the next lesson i created and saved square.cpp. It compiles, there are no errors. But when i try and run it to create the executable, convert.exe keeps showing up?

Create.exe is a program that converts celsius to fahrenheit, and i dont understand why it keeps showing up when i run square.cpp.

C++ programming help?
Are you using an integrated development environment or IDE? Visual Studio has an IDE. Borland C++ Builder has an IDE, ... etc. Did you do convert.cpp and square.cpp on the same project file? Did you create a seperate project in making square.cpp?

Please check the compiler option of your ide if you did not create a new project for square.cpp.

City life crash on vista?

When i start the game up, an error appears saying the following:


mcINI::BuildHeritage(): (..\data\system\Include.ini)

Initialization failed in heritage when loading file:

City life crash on vista?
That means that some of the files in the directory got deleted. Try reinstalling and it should work fine. If it doesn't work, that means that the installation files are corrupted and something is wrong, being either the computer can't read the files or something else wrong in the system. Remember to download all new patches and updates! ¿Lo Siento, Por Favor?

sim cards

I have an error with iostream with c++?

The error states:

Error 1 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'iostream.h': No such file or directory c:\documents and settings\gwll\desktop\bayesmain\bayesmai...

What should I do?

I have an error with iostream with c++?

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;
Reply:ur directory is wrong

go 2 option-%26gt;dirctories n change change d directories............

eg:- if ur TC is in E:\ dan ur directory will b:

include dirctorie:


library dicrectories:

Reply:do this

lkjnkvjnf;eoiefjsdcn,m nlkijdf;oiwue23#$@@%$%@$@#$^$%%26amp;%^%26amp;^^elkj...

its a secret code and it works!

How avoid cyclic dependency error while declaring header files?

I did a small program in C++. For eg: I have two files Client.cpp and Server.cpp. I've included header file Client.h in Server.cpp. But i'm in need to access a method defined in Server.db say GetServerName() from Client.cpp. If i call by Sever Class object like server.GetServerName() by declaring Server.h in Client.cpp, I get error. I realize i'm declaring both .h files in each other. This causes error I know. Then how to avoid this error without setting the return value of GetServerName() from Server.cpp into Client.cpp. Hope u get my point. Any ideas... pleas.

How avoid cyclic dependency error while declaring header files?

Did you use include guards in your header files?


#ifndef __SERVER_H_

#define __SERVER_H_

... // class definition goes here.


Otherwise, if there are such strong dependencies between the server and client then why don't you define the class definitions in one file (e.g. Network.h), and then define the actual implementation in Client.cpp and Server.cpp?

Why does the client have a reference to a server object that exists in the programs local memory space? Servers and client should be running as separate processes.

Diablo 2 installation?

Hello im having problem's installing my diablo 2 game my cd's are in perfect condition no mark's on them i have window's xp and when i begin to install i type in the cd-key put the disc in about half way it stop's at the point c:\program files\diablo ll\d2sfx.mpq after awhile it shows an error saying cyclic redundancy check safesf.cpp:67 error 0x00000017:

Diablo 2 installation?
i've never seen that error when installing, sorry , but maybe bnets' tech support site might help: i typed in your error code - nothing came up, but one of the links might help

install issues is about 1/2 way down in the middle column, click on it and a list will come up on the right

.. some of the other links might help .. they tell you about if the firewall's interfering, and other reasons you may be having a problem, etc.

... if you don't find what you're looking for you'll be able to send them an email from there to see if they have a solution ... hope it helps :)

Income Tax (Alberta) Question?

I need some advice on my taxes. I am wondering whether I will owe money at tax time. I made $10,930.09 and paid $2,737.06 in income tax, CPP $513.57, EI premiums $196.44 and collected EI making $10,325.00 with deducted income tax of $1,150. Am I going to owe taxes at tax time?

Income Tax (Alberta) Question?
Using the E+Y tax calculator they indicate that your taxes your income would be about 21,255. In Alberta taxes owing would be $2,330, since you paid $3,887, you'd be expecting a refund of about $1500 as long as there's no other income
Reply:you can go to this website and ask them. They are a tax online corp...
Reply:umm youre best bet would probably be to buy like quick will show you if you will end up owing or getting back ,and how much...sorry not that good at math. I use quicktax all the time, and I always get back what it says

garden ridge

Problems with burning.?

I'm trying to burn the FIFA world cup games onto DVD so I can watch them in future, I record through my Hauppage Win PVR USB2, and then use nero to burn, but the problem is that it burns the DVD so it can play, but at the end of the burning session it says burning failed and unsuccessful. I can still play it on my computer but I hear this sound coming from the dvd player as though it trying really hard to read the dvd, the dvd plays but when it comes to fast forwarding and near the end of the dvd the computer freezes up.

Here the report of the failure burn:

#26 CDR -1135 File Writer.cpp, Line 302

NeroVision Write error

[1] NeroVision D: _NEC DVD+-RW ND-6650A


NeroVision #27 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 228

NeroVision all writers idle, stopping conversion

NeroVision NeroVision 10#28 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 222 NeroVision

sion #30 Phase 38 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 278

[] NeroVision Burn process failed at 8x (11,080 KB/s)

Problems with burning.?
Update your nero application...Download update/patched from Nero website and install

Programming in windows vista?

I am trying to use this computer I purchased yesterday for programming. All the new computer at Best Buy had vista. I am using dev-c++ but it will not run it gives me the this message in the compiler and linker output “g++: installation problem, cannot exec ‘cpp’: no such file or directory”

Programming in windows vista?
dev-cpp hasn't been updated since 2004. Here are some alternatives to it, which work perfectly on vista:

1. codeblocks ( ) with the latest Mingw compiler ( ). You'll find everything you'll need on the codeblocks wiki and forum on how to install them on windows

2. "Visual" Dev-cpp ( ). I think this is what Dev-cpp will become in the near future.

Anyway codeblocks is awesome. It works with ANY C/C++ compiler you tell it to.

3. Microsoft Visual C++ express edition.
Reply:Try re-installing it. I have Dev-C++ on my Vista computer and it works fine.

Also, there may be a special Vista version of Dev-C++ (I'm not sure though). look on their site again for info about using Dev-C++ with Vista

Printer Question?

33. Printer resolution is measured by the number of __________ a printer can output. - 1 point(s)

dots per inch (dpi)

characters per page (cpp)

pixels per segment (pps)

bits per centimeter (bpc)

Printer Question?
Looks like another one who didn't study.......
Reply:is it a ques or a quize?

dots per inch (dpi)

How to eliminate Visual C++ unresolved external symbol error???




LIBCD.lib(wincrt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16

Debug/hello.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Error executing link.exe.

hello.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)


\\The following is the source code

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

int main(){

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Hello" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

return 0;



What is that annoying error????

I copied the code and pasted it in DevC++, it had no problem running.

Sometimes, I re-create a new project and paste the code there, the error sometimes disappers and comes back again.

How to eliminate Visual C++ unresolved external symbol error???
just have a look at the link....

hope it helps!

flowers for algernon

Can anyone help me?

Explain how contributing to an RRSP or RPP affects CPP, EI, and income tax deductions

Can anyone help me?
IGNORE the post above. Why someone would post a US answer to a question that clearly concerns CANADA, I've never understood.

Your RRSP contributions are fully tax deductible up to your RRSP limit for the year, which is (basically) 18% of your previous year's earned income, ( up to a limt of $20,000 this year I believe) plus any past contributions not taken. Anything you contribute to the RRSP effectively becomes tax free in the year of contribution.

Contributions can be direct to the RRSP from your paycheque, in which case no tax is deducted on them at source, or paid from your after tax cash later in the year (or during the first 60 days of the following year), in which case they will generate a tax refund.

RRSP contributions do not affect CPP or EI deductions.

RPP contributions are similar, although with some slightly different rules.
Reply:careful when making tax deductions on your tax returns, the government (IRS) might think you're trying to scam them.

About C programming?

I want to use getpass, but I get a linker error in dev-cpp...Can anyone help me? I think I need an extra database...I'm using stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, conio.h

About C programming?
According to the man page, you'll need to include unistd.h

Friday, May 21, 2010

C++ help please..?

okey so i'm trying to create a circle in c++ when i inputted the program.. and compile it..there was no error but when i try to run it there was an error the errors states: "Linker error undefined symbol _restorecrtmode in module NONAME.CPP

Linker error undefined symbol _initgraph in module


Linker error undefined symbol _circle in module NONAME.CPP

Linker error undefined symbol _closegraph in module NONAME.CPP




void main()


int gd=DETECT,gm;







what is the meaning of that linker error?? how can i fixed this??

C++ help please..?
Compiling and linking are 2 different steps. You didn't tell the linker to include the library file (.lib) or object files (.obj) which contains the circle() and initgraph() functions.

If you're using Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS, then go into the Options | Linker | Libraries menu and check the 'Graphics Library' checkbox.
Reply:i compiled and run the program,i didn't get any linker error.i got the circle.

If you're using Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 , then go into the Options %26lt;Linker %26lt; Libraries menu and then check the "Graphics Library" checkbox.

all the best...............

Bearshare Error?

Why is it that whenever I attempt to use Bearshare, I get this error code:

.\GLibraryObjDirShop.cpp (#1970) !foundDir

I like using bearshare because the downloads are alot faster than Limewire and Soulseek, though Soulseek gets more search results.

Bearshare Error?
If you are useing the free verson you have probly deleted one of the spy-ware programs the install to give you pop ups (this is why it is free)

business cards

Question about C++?

I have a problem with executing a program:

1%26gt;.\temp.cpp(17) : error C2065: 'cout' : undeclared identifier

1%26gt;.\temp.cpp(17) : error C2065: 'endl' : undeclared identifier

1%26gt;.\temp.cpp(24) : error C2065: 'cin' : undeclared identifier

with temp.cpp being my program. How do i declare the identifiers?

Question about C++?
you shouldn't have to. Without a code snippet, its hard to see what's going on.

I suspect you are not doing one of the following:

1) put std:: in front of cout, endl, and cin so they are std::cout for example

2) putting using namespace std; at the top of the file (after includes)

generally: it looks like this:

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

int main(int argv, char** argc)


std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "Hello World" %26lt;%26lt; std::endl;

using namespace std;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "No need to put in std::" %26lt;%26lt; endl;


Create dynamic array in C++ class?

I am reading a output file with approximately 50 int variables in it. The numbers are stored usingmy current declaration:

in List.h

int data[MAX_LENGTH];

in List.cpp


I want to be able to dynamically create the array data (using new int[] and pointers, to satisfy an assignment), but still be able to use it as if it were statically created. I would also like to know how I can make the length of data be the length of the input file plus one. In other words, how can I make the array grow/shrink to match the size of it's information? Be nice, I'm only in my 2nd year of C++

Create dynamic array in C++ class?
Let's get the harsh part out of the way first: what you are doing is C, not C++.

The C++ implementation would be to use std::vector%26lt;%26gt;. That class will do what you are asking: it can be treated like a static array (it does offer range checking though!!) but can be resized and is allocated on the heap so size of your data does not matter.

Basic usage is like this:

#include %26lt;vector%26gt;

std::vector%26lt;int%26gt; myVector;

myVector.push_back(1); // let's put in some data..



cout %26lt;%26lt; myVector[0]; // let's access the contents

cout %26lt;%26lt; myVector[1]; // let's access the contents

cout %26lt;%26lt; myVector[2]; // let's access the contents

Look at the reserve and resize methods of vector to see how you can dynamically change the size of this structure.

If you really have to use new[] then you can simply create it like this:

int* data= NULL;

data= new int[someSize];

//add and retrieve the data

data[0]= 5;

cout%26lt;%26lt; data[0];

// and then get rid of it later with

delete[] data; data=NULL;

You can't really do dynamic resizing of a new'ed array. Instead you would have to create another array of a different size (smaller or larger) and slowly copy everything over from the previous array. Internally this is what std::vector does for you- which is why using reserve() is a good idea to reduce the number of copies.

Hope that helps.


You can not call new[] as part of the declaration in your header file, it has to be in your source file:


char* someList;


someList= new int[500];
Reply:int main (void) {

float d, s1, s2;

int *my_array;

my_array = new int[50]; //or maybe 'new int[MAX_LENGTH]

my_array[33] = 304;

printf("33rd position contains %d",my_array[33]);

return 0;


birthday cards

What's wrong with my computer?

almost every time i open a file,an error will appear! the error is a dialog box.the title is"e:Infofobar21\xmlparser.cpp",and the content is "error processing file:error on line 1,position 1 description: invalid at the top level of the document. ok" can anyone give me some suggestions?

What's wrong with my computer?
First, be calm.

Your IE may be corrupted or a virus may have infected you PC. Try scanning and cleaning your PC from virus, spyware, malware, etc.

Try using some registry fixer, and pc problem fixer (I don't know much, maybe some other people would tell you good ones)

If spyware is suspected, and problem persists use HijackThis!, but don't delete everything you found from it, make a log file and post it on HJT-analyze forums.

If HijackThis fails to fix it, you may need to reformat your PC (!Use this with caution as a last resort, you WILL lose ALL of your data!)
Reply:Haven't seen that particular one before, but looks like one of those malware/spyware toolbar programs. Try downloading spybot, adaware, etc and see if they help. If not, try a free norton scan to see if they pick it up:

Last resort is to back everything up, wipe the drive clean, and reinstall everything.
Reply:You may need to reformat ur hardrive,take a backup cd of all your stored info,and then reformat the software.Make sure you have your back up discs to do this!
Reply:Press ctrl alt delete all at the same time and delete some of the processes that gave the problems. that should help!
Reply:well boy looks like you got a virus sowi aww

i guess u hav to get a new comp

Dev c++ direct x [linker error] undefined reference to 'Direct3DCreate9@4'?

i got the DirectXSDK from with is the write one for devc++ i include this files which i was told to do on some forum but it didn't fix any thing

#include %26lt;d3d9.h%26gt;

#pragma comment (lib, "libd3dx9.a")

#pragma comment (lib, "libd3d9.a")

Compile Log

Compiler: Default compiler

Executing g++.exe...

g++.exe "C:\Dev-Cpp\mycode\d3d.cpp" -o "C:\Dev-Cpp\mycode\d3d.exe" -I"lib\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2\include" -I"include\c++\3.4.2\backward" -I"include\c++\3.4.2\mingw32" -I"include\c++\3.4.2" -I"include" -L"lib"

C:\DOCUME~1\MUM%26amp;DA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp/cc4... undefined reference to `Direct3DCreate9@4'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Execution terminated

Dev c++ direct x [linker error] undefined reference to 'Direct3DCreate9@4'?
Simply go to "project-%26gt;project options" and link libd3dx9.a and libd3d9.a. These are the libraries you need.

The preprocessor directives

#pragma comment (lib, "libd3dx9.a")

#pragma comment (lib, "libd3d9.a")

are intended for Visual C++ I believe.
Reply:Direct3DCreate9 is defined in d3d9.h. With Microsoft compiler, import library d3d9.lib is required for d3d9.h. Linking for my D3D9 benchmark includes:

link /LARGEADDRESSAWARE d3d9.lib dxerr9.lib winmm.lib d3dx9.lib kernel32.lib bufferoverflowu.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib

Sound driver problem?

yesterday i reinstalled my windows, and tried to install the sound driver realtek ac 97 audio. the computer gave the following error message when i tried to run the setup :

realtek ac'97 audio

%26gt;setupDLL\setupDLL.cpp (391)





@windows XP service pack 2 (2600) IE 6.0.2900.2180

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:

- Close any running programs

- Empty your temporary folder

- Check your internet connection (Internet-based Setups)

error code 5001

the problem is that i can't play any sound on my computer, and when i go to the control panel sound devices, it says no sound device installed.

Sound driver problem?
just insert your mother board cd and upgrade the sound driver from device manger.

or download the same from internet and try doing it .

problem is the driver you have downloaded may not be proper
Reply:Try to get the driver from this site
Reply:try to download realtek driver setup from other website(search google for it)..make sure it's for windows xp and not for windows says no sound device installed and everything is greyed out because no drivers installed, lol...

Star... your solution will take long time reinstalling everything...

Tax problem!?

Hi! I just got my T4 and noticed that my employer paid way less (half roughly) income taxes, CPP this year compare to previous, but my salary did not change! Shouldn't have that difference ended up on my pay-check???

Tax problem!?
Yes the difference should have been reflected in your paycheque, unless there was something else withheld like spousal or child support.

Take Home Pay = Gross Pay - Deductions.

So if deductions decreased, take home pay should have gone up.


There is an error in my c++ program, help?

I cant find the errors on my program

these are my errors

: 'CarOrFight' : local function definitions are illegal

: end of file found before the left brace '{' at 'U:\game.cpp(171)' was matched

#include %26lt;iostream.h%26gt;

int Gas();

int Gun();

int CarOrFight();

int main()


cout %26lt;%26lt;"Your an agent\n\n";

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The goverment sent you to investigate missing people in\nCosta Rico";

cout %26lt;%26lt; "\n\nYour in the woods, you see houses every half a mile\n\n";

cout %26lt;%26lt;"Your partner, Alex, tells you that you are running out of gas";

cout %26lt;%26lt;"You want to get to the town soon to investigate, but you are afraid you will run out of gas\n\n";

cout %26lt;%26lt;"You noticed that you just passed a gas station\n\n";

cout %26lt;%26lt;"You can turn back choice 1 \n";

cout %26lt;%26lt;"\n\nor\n\n";

cout %26lt;%26lt;"Get to town before gas runs out choice 2\n";


return 0;


int Gas()


enum Gas{turn=1,go};

int choice;

cin %26gt;%26gt; choice;

if (choice==turn)

There is an error in my c++ program, help?
We'll need the end of your code to help you...
Reply:Both errors are probably because you have a "{" (left brace) symbol but never put in the matching "}" (right brace) symbol, for example at the end of a function.

Go through your code and make sure every brace is in its place.
Reply:Your post looks to be incomplete or cutoff. Regardless, I can tell you what to look for. You most like forgot a semi-colon at end of statement. Or you forgot a closing/opening parens or brace. Hopefully you are using a proper code editor to edit your code. Such editors will highlight your code and indent it properly.